Resource Database
Welcome to our Resource Database! We have curated over 1600 resources to help you find support. These resources are meant to be a starting point on your journey to justice. We hope that you find valuable information here.
If you would like to add additional resources that are not in the database,
please submit them here. If you need help finding resources not listed here,
please let us know. We are here to help!
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Resource Categories
2SLGBTQIA+ Community
2SLGBTQIA+ stands for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, plus other identities. Resources include support in mental health, educational sources, social spaces, and more.
Activism, Advocacy & Allyship
At Canada Confesses, activism is defined as creating a movement of change that makes Canadians aware of the issues and connects them with resources and tools to act. Resources for those who wish to advocate for social change and become allies are included.
Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug or alcohol use that is compulsive or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. Resources include treatment options and supports for addictions including alcohol, prescription drugs, heroin, and opioids.
Anti Bullying
Bullying is "a form of abuse at the hands of peers. It is targeted and repeated and involves power, aggression, intimidation and shame. " – PREVNet. Bullying includes workplace harassment and can have physical, verbal, social, and cyber components.
Anti-racism can be defined as the practice of identifying and opposing racism. It differs from simply being not racist, as it requires active participation in dismantling racism at the individual, institutional, and structural levels.
Apps & Media
Apps and media work hand-in-hand with social justice issues. Resources use the power of media to spread awareness and information. There are apps targeting mental health, anti-racism, social connection and more.
Asian Community
Asian Canadians experience unique issues and can be subjected to racism and hate-fueled violence. There are mental health supports, hate crime report sites, educational sources of Asian Canadian history, and links to support the Asian culture and community.
BIPOC Communities
The Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) groups across Canada and the world face disadvantages due to the effect of colonization and white privilege. Tools for creating solidarity among BIPOC and ally support are available here.
Black Community
Racism within Canada is insidious and Black communities continue to face unique issues. Resources here are meant to advocate for and empower black communities, as well as educate all people on the Black experience and ways to contribute to change.
Child Advocacy
Children are among the most vulnerable in our population and lack the capacity or understanding to advocate for themselves. The resources here demonstrate the issues affecting children and how others can advocate on their behalf.
Crisis & Emergency
There are a number of resources available to those with an immediate need. The crisis can be related to mental health, addictions, safety, shelters, domestic and sexual violence, and other emergencies.
Decolonization & Reconciliation
Decolonization refers to the criticism and undoing of colonialism and can be discussed in terms of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Reconciliation is a crucial part of decolonization.
Disability & Neurodivergent Community
Disabilities include physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychosocial impairments. Neurodivergent refers to an individual who has less typical cognitive variables such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, etc. A disability lens is essential for social justice work.
Enviromental Justice
Environmental justice, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, refers to the fair treatment and involvement of everyone towards the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
Gender Equality
Gender equality is a state in which people have equal access to rights and opportunities regardless of gender. Resources include education, employment equity, reproductive rights, domestic and sexual violence, gender affirmation, and women’s rights in the global community.
Global Community
The United Nations has developed 17 sustainable development goals to achieve a better future for all. Some of them are as follows: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water & Sanitation, and Climate Action.
Health & Wellness
Health and wellness consists of physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs. This category is multifaceted as it is related to and determined by a variety of issues, including employment, education, race, gender, housing, and so on.
Homelessness is the state of lacking stable and safe housing, resulting from issues that may include systemic or societal barriers, physical challenges, and some individual factors. Resources include lists of shelters, low-income housing, and other supports.
Human Rights
“Human rights are inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. ” – United Nations. Resources include tools for those who have been denied their rights and education on human rights issues.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the process resulting in the exploitation of a person, typically through sexual exploitation or forced labour. Resources include organizations working toward preventing human trafficking, raising awareness, and providing aftercare for survivors.
Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian aid is help for people in the world’s most desperate situations. Many agencies work to address humanitarian crises for those affected by war, natural disasters, and other events requiring relief efforts at home and around the world.
Immigrants & Refugees
Immigrants and refugees face unique problems when settling in a new country, including culture shock, language barriers, dealing with trauma. and the transfer of job skills. Agencies are available to help with the adjustment.
Indigenous Communities
Indigenous communities are the First Peoples of this Land, Turtle Island, presently known as Canada. Resources here cover topics such as decolonization, reconciliation, residential school survivors, anti-Indigeneity, and Indigenous history.
Justice System
Resources target those who have been wrongfully charged, or are subject to discrimination or police violence. There is also help for people who find their way through challenging life circumstances or poor choices. Some are specific to the Canadian justice system.
Low Income & Poverty
Poverty can be defined as a lack of income, shelter, and/or food insecurity. Resources here spread awareness about the prevalence of poverty and assist those experiencing poverty in accessing programs for financial benefits, education, housing, child care, and employment.
Mental Health
Mental health can be affected by many things including life circumstances, chemical imbalance, loss, trauma, physical health problems, stress, racism, discrimination, and other factors. Resources here include services to address these issues.
Police Violence
Police brutality is the excessive use of force enacted by law enforcement and in Canada is a symptom of structural racism and colonial violence. Resources include tools for victims and witnesses of police violence.
Rural Communities
People living in rural communities have unique experiences and are subject to isolation, lack of services, economic and food insecurity, as well as transportation issues. Resources here address these issues mentioned above.
Seniors & Elderly
Seniors and the elderly are among the vulnerable populations in Canada. The aging populations and funding for seniors' health and welfare are of concern and can be addressed through community involvement.
Services provided in this category are related to many social justice issues and provide support for (un)employment, literacy, legal assistance, income, and other issues affecting vulnerable populations.
Sexual & Domestic Violence
Resources for victims of sexual and domestic violence and abuse are available here. There is information on dealing with trauma, finding shelters, defining consent, helping support victims, and dealing with workplace harassment.
Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) assumes that an individual is more likely than not to have a history of trauma. It recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role that trauma may play in an individual's life.
Youth and Students
This category encompasses a wide variety of resources available for youth and students, including mental health, racism, employment, justice, social justice activities, and youth activism.