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Activism, Advocacy & Allyship

At Canada Confesses, activism is defined as creating a movement of change that makes Canadians aware of the issues and connects them with resources and tools to act. Resources for those who wish to advocate for social change and become allies are included.

5 Things You Should Know About Marie-Joseph Angélique, a Black Canadian Slave CBC Arts

The story of Marie-Joseph Angélique, a Black Canadian slave, is one most that is not taught in Canadian History.

50 Cognitive Biases

The human brain is pretty tricky: While we think we know things, there’s a whole list of cognitive biases that can be gumming up the works. We’ve found 50 types of cognitive bias that come up nearly every day, in petty Facebook arguments, in horoscopes, and on the global stage.

7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism is Real

This article explains systemic racism. Racism of this kind infects the very structure of our society.

Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex

"Accomplices Not Allies" is an essay posted by Indigenous Action. It illustrates an Indigenous perspective on the topic of the "ally industrial complex" and how to move forward as an "anti-colonial accomplice".


They empower users to take action in their own way. The action Button enables you to act instantly on news that matters to you.

The Action Network

Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes.

Addressing Implicit Bias: How to Identify Your Own | Maryville Online.

This article defines implicit bias and gives examples. There are also tips on how ot overcome implicit bias.

The Alberta Council for Global Cooperation

ACG works toward ending poverty and achieving a peaceful and healthy world, with dignity and full particpation for all.

Alberta Youth Paper on the SDGs - 2022

This by-youth report provides an in-depth insight into youth engagement for global citizenship, including how educators, community organizations, and government can support Alberta youth in their global citizenship.

Amnesty International Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who take injustice personally. They are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.

The Anti-Oppression Network

The Anti-Oppression Network is dedicated to working towards liberation in the principles of decolonization, anti-oppression and intersectionality. They provide resources and support to unlearn, disrupt and transform cycles of oppression.

Anti-Oppression Resources

This website is full of information, resources, photos, stories and more from social justice movements, campaigns and actions.

Anti-Racism Learning Series

The Anti-Racism Learning Series was designed to provide information on issues around racism and systemic barriers that exist for marginalized and racialized groups in Canada.

Anti-Racism Resource Guide

The Anti-Racism Resource Guide exists to be a springboard for folks to learn, unlearn, and relearn on their authentic anti-racist journey. They focus on three things at ARG: anti-racist education, quality curated lists of resources, and diverse, equitable, and inclusive consulting for small establishments that work with people.

Anti-Racism Resource List

This document is a compilation of resources and educators related to anti-racism.

Anti-Racism Resources

At Experiences Canada, they're committed to helping young Canadians open their minds, exploring the diversity of language, culture, and lived experiences within our country. Systemic racism is best addressed at the earliest age, encouraging mutual understanding and respect through direct opportunities to learn from one another.

Anti-Racism Resources

This site has resources on a variety of themes to support learning on anti-racism for everyone.

BC Masterlist

This master list has resources that come from the official BC website.

The Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub

The Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub is a confidential, fully accessible, and free resource for Black people with disabilities of all ages, their families, caregivers and support networks. Black people with disabilities informed and designed the Hub to bridge the structural gaps and address systemic barriers in accessing Black-focused disability resources, services, and knowledge at the intersection of Blackness, disability and gender.

Black Class Action

A class action lawsuit has been filed in the Federal Court of Canada on behalf of Black Canadians. The lawsuit is seeking long-term solutions to permanently address systemic racism and discrimination in the Public Service of Canada.

Black History in Canada Education Guide

The Black History in Canada Education Guide explores seminal events and personalities in Black Canadian history through engaging discussion and interactive activities.

British Columbia Youth Parliament

The British Columbia Youth Parliament is a youth service organization dedicated to enacting our mandates of service and education.

Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Violence

The Violence on the Land, Violence on our Bodies initiative report and toolkit centers the experiences and resistance efforts of Indigenous women and young people in order to expose and curtail the impacts of extractive industries on their communities and lands.

Canada Without Poverty

They help people reach out to their local Government for income assistance.

Canadian Education Is Steeped in Anti-Black Racism | The Walrus

This article reports how a six year black girl was hand-cuffed when school authorites called police. Neither police or school authorities apologized.

Canadian Equity Consulting

They help recruit, hire, and advance women and other underrepresented or marginalized populations and build inclusive cultures where employees feel they belong.

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Make a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Discrimination and harassment are against the law in Canada.

Centre for Race and Culture

CFRAC supports individual, collective, and systemic change to address racism.

Circles for Reconciliation

The aim of Circles for Reconciliation is to establish trusting, meaningful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples as part of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The means to achieve this is the creation of small gatherings of an equal number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in discussion circles.

Community One Foundation

Their grants and awards provide funding to foster leadership in the 2SLGBTTIQ+ communities of the GTA, and help cultivate new services and programs in the areas of health and social sciences, arts and culture, and research, education, and advocacy.

Confronting Racism Is Not About the Needs and Feelings of White People | Ijeoma Oluo | The Guardian 2019

White people need to know they are the problem in anti-racism work. They need begin recognizing that they have been complicit and harmful so that they can start doing better. Because white supremacy is their construct, a construct they have benefited from, and deconstructing white supremacy is their duty.

David Lam Centre (DLC)

The Centre supports and facilitates research collaboration, networking and building the community of Asia-related scholars across campus and internationally. The Centre furthers the involvement of students in educating and researching the Asia-Pacific region.

Diversify Your Narrative

This site has resources that can be used to change education curriculum to have an anti-racist lens and encourage a productive dialogue on race and identity.

Diversity Toolkits

This site has toolkits on the topics of diversity and inclusion, and employment equity which are identified as the most pressing issues in Canadian workplaces.

Edmonton Shift Lab

Their approach was built on the great anti-racism work already happening in Edmonton and in particular utilized a social innovation lab process grounded in indigenous epistemologies and stewarded by a diverse collective.

Educate the Solutionary Generation

Imagine a generation of solutionaries who have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to address and solve problems wherever they find them. They can help you educate this generation.

Education and Inclusion Guides

Here is a glossary of terms, inclusion guides and education guides covering some of the most topical conversations and initiatives happening around diversity and inclusion in the Canadian workplace.

Elizabeth Fry Society

EFry is an unique agency that specializes in helping women affected by systemic issues in the justice system.


They advance equality, social justice, and respect for human dignity in Canada and around the world through human rights education.

The Equity Equation

Information about equity via hard facts and statistics provide people with facts while quelling misguided beliefs.

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusivity Resource List

This document is a compilation of equity, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI) resources that can be applied to various environments, including workplaces, research, post-secondary institutions, and K-12 schools.

Evaluation Capacity Network

Evaluation Capacity Network is a network of community partners, practitioners, researchers, and funders who serve the early childhood community through community-driven, culturally responsive, action oriented and equity-based evaluation capacity building opportunities, activities, and resources.

Everyday Feminism

Everyday Feminism is an educational platform for personal and social liberation. Their goal is to help people dismantle everyday violence, discrimination, and marginalization through applied intersectional feminism and to create a world where self-determination and loving communities are social norms through compassionate activism.

Examples of Racial Microaggressions Examples of microaggressions are included and the implied message is explained.

Finding Steady Ground

There are seven behaviours you can use to strengthen yourself, so you can keep taking more and more powerful and strategic actions.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging in Times of Crisis and Challenge

This site has an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) handbook for individuals and organizations during COVID-19.

Fostering Change

First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society is committed to convening and raising the voices of youth in and from care through the Fostering Change program. Policy change for youth is the result of collective self-advocacy; and many improvements are still needed to better support BC youth as they transition from care.

The Global Nonviolent Action Database

Free access to information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action, from all continents and most countries, for learning and for citizen action.

Guide to Allyship

An open-source starter guide can help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally.

Harassment Training - Hollaback

This is a nonprofit working to end harassment in all its forms. They believe that everyone deserves the resources to respond to, prevent, and intervene in instances of harassment.

Harvard Implicit Association Test

This site has a number of different tests to determine your implicit bias. The tests relate to race, gender, skin colour, religion, transgender, and more.

Here’s The Problem With Performative Allyship

Performative allyship is about trying to make yourself look good, but if you want be a true ally, you have to do the work.

How Social Justice and Environmental Justice Are Intrinsically Interconnected

Learn about how environmental rights are the intersection between human rights and environmental protection.

Inclusive Language Guide

Language has the power to reinforce or deconstruct systems of power that maintain poverty, inequality, and suffering. This guide helps you to choose yopur words more carefully.

Inclusion Yukon

Their mission is to promote meaningful inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities and their families into all aspects of community life by providing advocacy, public awareness and education, community capacity development, and program support.

Indigenous Resources: Truth & Reconciliation

This guide provides access to resources on Indigenous history, communities, and culture in Canada and NS, as well as government documents. It was developed in consultation with members of the Indigenous community in Nova Scotia and NSCC.

Intercultural Kootenays

Intercultural Kootenays aims to help build and maintain inclusive and non-discriminatory communities by addressing the root causes of racism, hate and discrimination and building intercultural competencies.

International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP)

The IAAP is a non-profit professional association serving the administrative profession. IAAP is dedicated to helping office and administrative professionals advance their career in a demanding and ever-changing business environment.

It's Time to Close the Income Gap of Canada's Black Community | Edmonton Journal

Black people in Canada face a number of unique issues affecting their well-being. Average income for Black people is $12,000 lower than the national average.

Land Back Movement - First Nation Goods

This site sells First Nations Goods. They also discuss the Land Back Movement. Land Back refers to the Indigenous-led movement to reclaim stewardship over traditional lands and ecosystems, protecting them for generations to come.

Legal Line

FREE Legal Answers are given here in an easy-to-understand format.

MCoS Anti-Racism Resources

The MCoS has been raising awareness of the benefits of cultural diversity and the dangers of racism since November 22, 1975. They have memberships where people can volunteer and help, as well as a wide variety of community resources on their website to educate and support the people of Saskatchewan.

Microaggressions Examples

This is a google doc that lists examples of microaggressions.

The Micropedia of Microaggressions

The Micropedia of Microaggressions is a comprehensive tool to learn about the different microaggressions people experience and unlearn the behaviours that cause them to create more inclusive workplaces, schools and social interactions.

On Canada Project

The On Canada Project is made up of a group of active citizens, change agents, and friendly neighbourhood nerds who are here to dismantle the status quo and champion change in our lives.

Opportunities for White People in the Fight for Racial Justice

White Accomplices ideas have been developed to support White people to act for racial justice. This educational resource encourages white to move from actor to ally to accomplice. It draws from ideas and resources developed mostly by Black, Brown and People of Colour.

Peer Support Space

They help anybody 18+ while focusing on catching individuals that are historically underserved, forcefully marginalized, and fall through the cracks of the mental health system. They are located in Central Florida but welcome anybody, living anywhere, to their virtual spaces.

Performative Allyship Is Deadly (And What to Do Instead) | Forge

Performative allyship is when someone from a nonmarginalized group professes support and solidarity with a marginalized group in a way that either isn’t helpful or that actively harms that group. Here's what to do instead.


This site lists active petitions in Canada.

Pflag Canada

Pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their LGBTQ2S children.

The Philosophy of Colonialism: Civilization, Christianity, and Commerce

Article: The harmful effect of white colonization throughout the globe is discussed in this article. “In the 19th century European powers sought to colonize Africa as it had a wealth of natural resources and purportedly undeveloped economies ripe for exploitation. In reality, European colonization devastated traditional African societies and economies.”

Prejudice, Discrimination, & Stereotype

People are often biased against others outside of their own social group, showing prejudice (emotional bias), stereotypes (cognitive bias), and discrimination (behavioural bias). Biases can explicit (overt and conscious) or more implicit (automatic, ambiguous, and ambivalent). In the 21st century, however, with social group categories even more complex, biases may be transforming.

Project 10

Project 10 works to promote the personal, social, sexual and mental well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex and questioning (2LGBTQ+) youth and adults 14-25.

Project Implicit

The mission of Project Implicit is to educate the public about bias and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the internet. Project Implicit scientists produce high-impact research that forms the basis of our scientific knowledge about bias and disparities.

Racial Justice Resources

This is a carefully curated list of racial justice minded resources to help all hue-mans in the quest to dismantle white supremacy. Reading is a helpful place to begin but the best way to address racial justice is by doing the inner work.

Racialization — Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre

Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre has an abundance of resources on our website for the general public, lawyers and educators.

Random Acts of Kindness

The mission of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is to make kindness the norm™ in our schools, workplaces, homes & communities. They work toward that goal by creating free content that promotes kindness toward others & teaches important social emotional learning skills to kids.

Resource List in Support of the AAPI Community

AIGA Eye on Design provides a list of resources, donation links, reading recommendations, and AAPI designers to support readers.

Resources for Marginalized Communities

This site has resources on the mental health impacts of being a member of a marginalized community.

Resources for Organizers

This site has activist tools on organizing, as well as resources on privilege, power, race, class, and gender.

Ribbon Rouge

The Ribbon Rouge Foundation serves African, Caribbean and Black people in Alberta, by facilitating systems change, in structural and social factors that lead to poorer health outcomes, including HIV related health outcomes in African, Caribbean, Black communities.

Seeds of Good Anthropocenes

"Seeds are existing initiatives which hold potential to shape the future. They can be social initiatives, new technologies, economic tools, or social-ecological projects". These initiatives provide an optimistic view of the future and how your actions today can make a positive impact.

Settlers Take Action Resource Guide

This guide recognizes that settlers have benefited from colonialism. It is not enough to mourn the detrimental effects on indigenous people, but actively work to do better in Truth & Reconcilliation.

Show Up - Guide to Bystander Intervention

We all play a role in creating a safe public space by supporting each other when we’re harassed. That’s what bystander intervention is all about.

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is an international network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. SURJ Toronto will provide a space to develop consciousness, political education, skills, and political analysis to act for change under BIPOC-led organizing.

Social Stride Advocacy

Their vision is to create a healthier online environment by modelling peace, dignity and respect. Their mission is to educate, advocate and support.

Stop Hate AB

The purpose of the #STOPHATEAB website is to fill the gap and create a space for documentation. Using their online form, users can document hate incidents, and can help build our map of documented hate incidents.

Stride Advocacy

They work to advance dignity, freedom, justice, and security through collaborative relationships and transformative education on peace and human rights.

Systemic racism: What it looks like in Canada and how to fight it? | VPFO | UBC

Systemic racism is defined and examples are given on how it exists in Canada. There are also tips to fight against it.

Toolkit: Responding to Racism

This toolkit was created by the CCNC-SJ to provide a step-by-step guide in responding to anti-Asian racism. It encourages victims and allies/bystanders to stay calm, speak out, and build resilience.

Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for their community that’s been divested from police since day one. It is run by and for trans people.

Truth and Reconciliation Resources

ACIC provides a page with a list of truth and reconciliation resources. There are resources for Indigenous Peoples, such as information about generational trauma, and resources for allies, such as petition links and ways to take action.

What Is a Microaggression? 14 Things People Think Are Fine to Say at Work — But Are Actually Racist, Sexist, or Offensive

This article explains what microaggressions are and gives many examples. The examples also include alternatives and ways to counter them.

What Is Land Back? - David Suzuki Foundation

The Land Back Movement refers to Indigenous People's relationship to the land and their right to self-determination. It has information on how allies can play a role.

What Is Marginalization & What Can You Do About It? | InHerSight

This article defines marginalization and gives ideas on how to address this and create safer, more inclusive spaces.

What is Racism

The definition of racism offered here is grounded in Critical Race Theory, a movement started in the 1970s by activists and scholars committed to the study and transformation of traditional relationships of race to racism and power.

What Is White Centering and Are You Doing It? Plus, 7 Ways To Stop 2020 (Author: Jessica Sager)

This article talks about how white peole tend to center their experience in terms of how it affects them. It is important to educate oneself and be able to try to understand the view points of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour.

What Is White Privilege, Really? | Learning for Justice (Author: Cory Collins)

White people need to understand the unearned advantages that white people have in society. This article explains the term and gives examples.

What is White Supremacy? | SOA Watch: Close the School of the Americas (Author: Elizabeth Martinez)

This paper defines white supremacy and how it is rooted in colonization.

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (Author: Peggy McIntosh)The concept of white pivillege as an unearned advantage is defined and examples are discussed.

Yes, There Is Systemic Racism in Canada — Our History Is Filled With It - National |

For Canadians who have likely never experienced systemic racism, it is easy to deny its existence. This video and article sheds light on how sytemic racism exists in Canada.

Youth Futures Council

The Premier's Youth Council is a province-wide youth advisory body that work to help focus policy and programs in a manner that best services the interests of young Prince Edward Islanders.

Youth Parliament of Manitoba

The mission of YPM is to foster amongst the youth of Manitoba an understanding of, interest in, and engagement with the Canadian democratic parliamentary process that would enable their active participation in society as responsible citizens.

Youth Restorative Action Project

YRAP strives to bring about positive outcomes for those affected by criminal activity. YRAP aims to create meaningful consequences that are educational and rehabilitative rather than punitive.

YouthCO HIV & Hep C Society

YouthCO is an organization of young leaders who use peer support and education. They foster inclusive communities where youth empower youth to make informed decisions about our own well-being and work to end the stigma surrounding HIV and Hep C.

Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office

The Advocate Office is an independent office of the Yukon Legislative Assembly that represents the rights, views and preferences of children and youth who are eligible, or currently receiving government services and programs.

Read, Watch, & Learn

Black on the Prairies

This story is part of the Black on the Prairies project, a collection of articles, personal essays, images and more, exploring the past, present and future of Black life in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Dear White Friend - You need to take a side

Racism is a white person's problem.“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” - Elie Wiesel

Doll Test (Video)

Video: In this heartbreaking video, black children are asked questions about two dolls - one black and one white. They are asked which one is pretty? nice? They chose the white doll. This shows the implicit bias that exists from an early stage of development.

The Garment Worker Industries (Podcast) The podcast talks about the lives of garment workers in Cambodia, Bangladesh, and India and brings to light the detrimental impacts of how the garment industry harms workers to bring about a specific product.

The History of Race and Racialization (Video)

Video: Dr. Carlos Hoyt discusses the beginnings of racialization in America and how that process continues today.

Mashable Children's Books

Here are 11 inspiring children’s books to teach kids about gender equality. From board books for babies to more advanced stories about real women who've changed the world, these are great resources.

Police Wellness Checks: Why They’re Ending Violently and What Experts Say Needs to Change |

Video: Global News reports on police wellness checks and why they’re ending violently and what experts say needs to change.

The True Cost (Documentary)

This documentary discusses the consumerism of how we purchase clothes & various incidents to raise more informational knowledge and to allow viewers to have a newfound foundation to the issues raised about ethical fashion.

Understanding Privilege (Video) This video shows the effect of privilege in a race demonstrating how systemic racism is at play in all aspects of life.

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

Take a virtual journey through the experiences (homelessness, domestic violence, refugee & non-status) of Nisa Homes’ residents.

White Fragility You Tube Video

The New York Times best-selling book explores the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality.

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© Canada Confesses 2023

Land Affirmation: While our project resides on the internet, our volunteers operate from different provinces and territories in Canada. We acknowledge and honour the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples who own the lands we are privileged to call home. We celebrate Indigenous sovereignty and support the 94 recommendations from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC). We recognize our role in reconciliation and commit to tackling ongoing systemic injustices.

The information provided on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional or legal advice. Before taking any actions based on any information or resources provided, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. Please read our full confidentiality agreement here.

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