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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the process resulting in the exploitation of a person, typically through sexual exploitation or forced labour. Resources include organizations working toward preventing human trafficking, raising awareness, and providing aftercare for survivors.

ACT Alberta

ACT Alberta assists victims of human trafficking across the province. ACT Alberta undertakes a variety of activities around education, advocacy, agency collaboration and victim assistance.

Ally Global

As a Canadian charity, they work alongside and support fellow Canadian non-profits and agencies to prevent human trafficking, raise awareness and provide aftercare for survivors locally.

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

The Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline is a confidential, multilingual service, operating 24/7 to connect victims and survivors with social services, law enforcement, and emergency services, and receive tips from the public.

Cease Now

CEASE builds bridges over income instability and creates pathways out of exploitation. They provide tools for persons who have experienced sexual exploitation or sex-trafficking to heal and renew their lives.

Covenant House Toronto

Covenant House helps to serve youth who are trafficked or at risk by helping educate and advocate for long-term change to improve the lives of vulnerable youth. They also provide life-changing care such as housing options, health and well-being support, training and skill development, and ongoing care once youth move into the community.

Dream Catchers Program

Dream Catchers is a program for women and transgender individuals transitioning from the sex trade, providing a safe and supportive place to start your healing journey. Weekly support groups are confidential and private, focusing on the building multiple skills.

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia

The Elizabeth fry Society's primary focus is to break the cycles that lead to criminalization by offering critical support for transitional housing and providing also a range of court navigation services to underserved communities. GATE, which stands for Girls Against Trafficking & Exploitation, is one of their programs which highlights programs for survivors to be able to heal as well as early intervention education workshops.

Hope for Justice

They exist to bring an end to modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives and reforming society.

Hope Restored

A charitable organization guided and led by compassionate people who care deeply about the restoration and empowerment of all people, especially those who have been impacted by sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Human Trafficking -

Human trafficking is happening right now in communities across Canada. It involves recruiting, moving, or holding victims to exploit them for profit, usually for sexual reasons or forced labour.

Human Trafficking Awareness in Canada Video

This project was created on behalf of On-Site Placement (OSP) Diversity and Inclusion Training, in Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

The London Anti-Human Trafficking Committee

The London Anti-Human Trafficking Committee seeks out and responds to opportunities with the goal to inform, educate and provide training to community groups, schools, universities, and the general public. Additionally, the committee supports and collaborates with national advocacy efforts on human trafficking.

New Brunswick Information Guide on Human Trafficking

New Brunswick Working Group on Human Trafficking, as part of the Government of NB, provides this guide with information on how to recognize, support, protect and assist a person who may be trafficked.


PACT-Ottawa is a non-partisan, secular organization that conducts a wide variety of education and public awareness initiatives at the local and national levels. They monitor and influence legislative and policy developments relating to human trafficking, through participation in parliamentary committees, conferences and workshops across Canada.

The Canadian Centre To End Human Trafficking

The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking is a national charity dedicated to ending all types of human trafficking in Canada. The provide educational resources, current research on Canadian stats, and a hotline.

Trafficking and Exploitation Services System - TESS

The Trafficking and Exploitation Services System (TESS) is an organization that works to respond to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth. On their website you will find general information about human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, the services and supports available in Nova Scotia, upcoming events, resources and other news.

Trafficking in Persons in Canada, 2021

This site has statistics on human trafficking incidents reported in Canada.

YWCA Halifax

YWCA Halifax transforms lives by providing a continuum of critical services and programs that build capacity for lasting positive change. It is the country's oldest and largest women's multi-service organization. Nova Scotia has committed 1.4 million dollars to an anti-human trafficking fund, YWCA is included in the list. They offer training for front-line service providers on the issue of exploitation and trafficking, as well as conducting research themselves and convening a provincial partnership for action.

Read, Watch, & Learn

Girls Like Us (Book by Rachel Lloyd)

In the memoir Girls Like Us, Lloyd reveals the dark, secretive world of her past in stunning cinematic detail. And, with great humanity, she lovingly shares the stories of the girls whose lives she has helped. She opens up about her history as a victim of commercial sexual exploitation, and exposes the heartbreaking truth about the abuse girls and women like her experience.

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© Canada Confesses 2023

Land Affirmation: While our project resides on the internet, our volunteers operate from different provinces and territories in Canada. We acknowledge and honour the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples who own the lands we are privileged to call home. We celebrate Indigenous sovereignty and support the 94 recommendations from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC). We recognize our role in reconciliation and commit to tackling ongoing systemic injustices.

The information provided on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional or legal advice. Before taking any actions based on any information or resources provided, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. Please read our full confidentiality agreement here.

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