We recently received a confession about someone facing transphobia in Alberta. We highlighted resources in Alberta in our recent Instagram post. However, we want to use the blog as an extended post to highlight resources across Canada. You can check out the confession post on our Instagram here - https://www.instagram.com/canadaconfesses/

Trans Lifeline
This is a hotline that is run by trans people, specifically for trans people.
It Gets Better Canada - Get Help for Provincial Resources
This link redirects towards resources for LGBTQ2S+ youth and is categorized by provinces and Canada-wide resources.
Different Types of Housing Models/Programs
This image/PDF that is presented on the website relates to the different types of housing models that are present and will be helpful to further information on which type of housing models will be more appropriate for individual needs and circumstances.
Types include Emergency Shelters, Traditional Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Housing First, Rapid Re-Housing, Host Homes
Emergency Shelters/ Host Homes for Those Under 18-19 years Old.
British Columbia:
Emergency Shelters in BC require you to be at least 19+ years old to be eligible for it. BC Housing offers emergency shelters across BC and they are suitable for LGBTQ2S+ too.
https://smap.bchousing.org/ offers a website for a complete list, where you can use the filters to find the most appropriate one that is suitable.
This is another useful resource that is similar to the first link before this paragraph is available.
Covenant House Vancouver
Their short-term Crisis Program has 63 beds, 24 beds for female-identified, trans, and non-binary youth. 35 beds for male-identified, trans, and non-binary youth. You can also request to stay in whichever space you feel most comfortable in.
1-877-685-7474 Contact for any questions, or if you are in need of support.
Lulu’s Lodge
16-21 years of age are eligible. Self-referrals are accepted. The form is here. https://www.sk.johnhoward.ca/services/social-programs/
Information, email/phone number, messaging about inquiry
Chew Project in Edmonton
For 2SLGBTQ youth and emerging adults - https://chewprojectyeg.org/resources
The Link Youth & Family Supports presents 2 Youth Resources Centre Emergency Shelters:
Note: Inquiry further for more information in regards to whether the shelter is trans-friendly.
https://thelinkmb.ca/ - For more information.
YRC & Shelter, Winnipeg
A safe place for overnight or short-term, available to youth on a walk-in basis. Provides basic needs like food & shower, counseling, advocacy, and referrals for additional help and resources.
YRC & Shelter, Thompson
A four-bed shelter, also a resource center for help with food, clothing, showers, laundry, hygiene supplies, first aid, crisis intervention, referrals, or counseling.
New Brunswick:
Direct search of homeless shelters near area,
Note: Inquire furtherly about whether the individual shelter chosen is trans-friendly.
Newfoundland & Labrador, North West Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, PEI, Etc.
Publicly known trans-friendly shelters seem to be really scarce. If you dial 2-1-1, and you can directly input your Postal Code location so that resources will be directly relevant to shelters near your surroundings and can offer you helpful information.
You can also live chat, and inquiry about information with this method if you are more comfortable. You can input your postal code, and can choose to talk anonymously.
Fred Victor in Toronto
https://www.fredvictor.org/location-information/ offers shelter & housing to all genders, supporting LGBTQS2S+.
YMCA Sprott House - Walmer Road Centre
This facility will provide a residential living for up to 25 people between the ages of 16-24.
It supports up to one year of supported residential living.
Address: 21 Walmer Rd, Toronto, ON M5R 2W7
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre - Youth Emergency Shelter
Note: Contact the shelter, not sure if it is Trans friendly, so do need to inquire further for more information.
Targeted 17 to 23 years old. Youth under age of 17 are referred towards the Yukon Government and social workers will be contacted as well as the parents.
The Emergency Shelter Phone : 867-633-7699
Nova Scotia
Shelter Nova Scotia - Emergency shelter open 24/7
The 2 Emergency Shelters:
Barry House
It is a 17-bed emergency shelter, and for gender-diverse individuals or individuals who identify as female. There are three meals a day, phone and laundry, personal care & comfort items, and assistance in securing independent housing. 902.422.8324
Metro Turning Point
It is a 30-bed emergency shelter, and for individuals who are gender diverse or are male. Lockers are provided, 2-3 meals daily, access to a refrigerator, phone, and laundry, assistance in securing independent housing, personal care & comfort items.
https://www.shelternovascotia.com/contact is information in regards to all facilities Shelter Nova Scotia also provides in terms of services, supportive apartments, residential facilities, etc.
Inquiries: 902-406-3631
Transgender Support Resources - Canada, individual provinces listed.
To explore more resources on various categories, you can access our database here - https://www.canadaconfesses.ca/resources