Terms: Cisgender, Confession, Consent, Cultutal Appropriation
“Most people who are assigned female at birth identify as girls or women, and most people who are assigned male at birth identify as boys or men. These people are cisgender (or cis).” Planned Parenthood
What do transgender and cisgender mean?
What do transgender and cisgender mean?
Canada transgender resources
A confession is an admission of guilt, fault, or a mistake. Canada Confesses implies that Canada has a dark underbelly that needs to be exposed so accountability, restorative justice, and action can occur.
At Canada Confesses, we encourage people to share stories where they have experienced injustice. This person is not the wrong-doer, but sometimes has difficulty sharing their stories because of the negative reaction they may receive. Canada Confesses provides a safe space to share experiences.
Canada Confesses - Submit a Confession
“Canada has a broad definition of sexual assault. It includes all unwanted sexual activity, such as unwanted sexual grabbing, kissing, and fondling as well as rape.
Sexual activity is only legal when both parties consent. Consent is defined in Canada’s Criminal Code in s. 273.1(1), as the voluntary agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question. The law focuses on what the person was actually thinking and feeling at the time of the sexual activity. Sexual touching is only lawful if the person affirmatively communicated their consent, whether through words or conduct. Silence or passivity does not equal consent.” - Criminal Code
A Definition of Consent to Sexual Activity: Policy Centre for Victims Issues
The Law of Consent in Sexual Assault - LEAF
A Definition of Consent to Sexual Activity: Policy Centre for Victims Issues
Cultural Appropriation
“Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression and doesn't respect their original meaning or give credit to their source. It also includes the unauthorized use of parts of their culture (their dress, dance, etc.) without permission.” Arlan Cunic, Very Well Mind
In the 1950s, White musicians "invented" rock and roll; however, the musical style was appropriated from Black musicians who never received credit.
In 2011, motivational entrepreneur James Arthur Ray was convicted of three counts of negligent homicide after the death of three participants in his pseudo sweat lodge.
There is a history of major sports teams in the United States and Canada being involved in the cultural appropriation of Indigenous cultures through their names and mascots. Past and present examples include the Chicago Blackhawks, Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, and Edmonton Eskimos. (The Redskins and Eskimos have since undergone name changes.)
What Is Cultural Appropriation? 2022
What Is Cultural Appropriation?